Lightpainting at lake Abtsdorf, 26.01.2017
This experiment is already from end of January, but I forgot to translate it into English.
Some of you may remember to my first tries in Lightpainting together with FloPhotography.
That was more than 3 years ago.
At that time we experimented with a LED strip and an “modified” umbrella in the garden.
Already one year ago I wanted to experiment with steel wool.
Promptly I bought all the required stuff – but never tried yet.
Due to this reason I planned for this evening to experiment on a frozen lake.
On the one side, on a frozen lake there’s no fire danger.
And on the other side I already had some impressions of the possible results.
At the beginning of my tries I was alone – but I had to realize very quick that it’s not workable.
You need both of your hands to burn the steel wool and press the trigger of the camera with a third hand.
So finally, you need at least two persons for lightpainting.
Using a timer or remote trigger were no options because it was windy and the wind blew off the steel wool again and again.
So maybe one in 10 tries may become successful – that’s not satisfying.
Additionally, all my new lighters quit their job after only a few tries.
Another problem was focussing the camera.
Without any assistance, it’s impossible to focus the camera in order to get a focussed photo.
Fortunately I got some assistance and could take some photos.
In spite of everything, I only got 4 good photos on this evening.
As all my lighters have quit their job, I had no further opportunities and had to pack all my stuff and go home.